Bypassing OnGuard using Transmit Tried this my self- got suspended for it too :-( What you are going to do: You are going to try and bypass Onguard by using Trasmit, an ftp program. What you need: The knowledge of how to install stuff on to the protected HD (seee installing stuff on protected hd's). A computer protected by onguard. What to do: Download transmit ( and install onto the protected HD. Now, launch transmit. Do not connect to any ftp server, rather just look on the HD window (the left side) and opent he protected HD, then opent the system folder and then delete the onguard prefs. It may say it is locked but it will delete it anyway. Now restard the computer and there is no protection. The login is admin and there is no pass- or it could be login: administrator pass: [no pass]. Now, create new accounts and enjoy! How not to get caught: Beleive me, this is hard. If you have full acces you can use the assimilator (they usually have it on the hd, if now download it from and assimilate the hardrives back to normal- or you can just create all the accounts the way they were (assumin you know how they were) and then just make a new account, a hidden one and give yourself admin privs and use it all the time!